No. 12 - What do I need to know, my beautiful guides? (audio recording)

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Hello, beautiful friends. This is the very first Letter From The Loom that I am channeling this way, not just through written channeling. I felt such a clear sense of excitement to slow down and record this for all of you. I asked on Instagram a couple of days ago what questions you all would love for me to ask my guides, and I received some beautiful questions. Today I am going to be asking this very open-ended question that one of you asked ... "what do I need to know, my beautiful guides?" was the question. And I love this question because it just opens space for whatever is desiring to flow through, to flow through without focusing on any specific topic. So I have no idea what is going to come through and what my guides desire to share. I kept wanting to ask the question ... My mind wanted to ask the question, "What do I need to know in regards to past life regression or in regards to my past lifetimes?" because I am currently preparing for The Journey, which is a year long past life awakening that I'll be guiding throughout this entire year. But every time I felt that tug from the mind to do that, I felt a very clear like, no, no, no, just be open. Keep it open.

So, I don't know what is desiring to come through, but we shall see. I invite you to trust, let go, and be open as you receive whatever my guides desire to share. And as with everything that I share, take what resonates, leave what doesn't. Just because I am channeling what comes through, remember that I am the human filter, right? That is filtering this information, this energy, this wisdom, this communication. And I believe that it is always, always important to just open your heart and allow yourself to receive what resonates and to allow anything and everything that doesn't resonate with your own intuitive knowing to just float away and to let that be okay. Right? So yeah. Alright, my friends, I am going to drop in and see what my guides desire to share with you all today. I feel a very strong, clear connection with Ahror. So I have a feeling that, yeah, I just feel this emotion rising, which to me is always a sign, an indication of that connection. And is affirmation from Ahror that she is the one who will be coming through today. So what do I need to know, my beautiful guides? Let's open and receive what Ahror desires to share. 

"Hello, my beautiful friends. I want to invite you as I guide Lauren's body through relaxing as well to notice your own physical form and to care for it in a similar way. So often as you are moving through your lives from the vantage point of the mind thought leads the way and as thought leads the way you become disconnected from the physical vessel that is you, the physical vessel that carries you. And as you slow down and care for your body in the way that I am going to guide you through doing, you'll find that you begin to lead and move from the tugs of your soul, this energetic pull and embodied way of living. 

And while thought still coexists there, thought does not lead there. Instead, your embodied knowing, your embodied wisdom, which is to say the soul moving through this physical reality, your soul moving through your body - that will begin to lead the way. And when you live from that guidance instead of the mind, you'll find that you feel more at ease and relaxed in your body. You'll find that your heart-center, which is indeed a powerful portal of connection for you with others both here and your physical world, and also those beyond. You will find that you feel safer moving through your world. You will find that you feel more open moving through your world and you will find that you feel much more of how you desire to feel than how you are feeling today. 

So let us care for your body in the ways that I have been speaking of. First, allow yourself to become aware of your body. Direct your awareness, your thoughts back here to you. To yourself. Soften your jaw. Feel a softness, a softening throughout your cheekbones, down through the bottom of your face. Feel that energy extend down through the throat, the neck space as you feel and sense an opening there within the throat chakra. You may feel a sense of pressure, resistance, tightness, all of these things are very normal to experience, especially when you've been living and leading from thought. Feel an opening begin to occur there within your throat space as though a doorway, a portal has been opened and a beautiful bright light begins to shine through from below the throat chakra, up through the headspace, through the crown chakra.

You may see this light clearly visually. You may feel or sense the energy of that light like water flowing through, flowing upwards like a river moving through your body. You may experience the energy of that in other areas of your body or may simply be a knowing or nothing at all. Just allowing the throat chakra to open as your jaw relaxes even more and you feel your ears drop lower, feeling the back of the scalp relax, sensing a weightiness down through the back of the neck and into the shoulders. As you feel your shoulders drop down and relax and you feel a heaviness throughout your arms and your hands travel down through the center of the body feeling this weight. Guide your awareness all the way down to the root, to the base of your spine. Imagine traveling all the way down the spine until you reach the very base of the spine before and where the legs begin. 

As you sense the energy now flowing throughout this entire space, flowing down through the very top of the head, the crown down through the throat, the throat chakra, all the way down through the heart-space into the root of the body. And then back up again. As you feel your legs relax, feel your toes uncurl and your feet settle, letting go. Noticing where you've been holding in your body, noticing how much you've been holding in your body, noticing the tightness, the tension that's been held and letting it all go. I want to invite you to open your eyes if your eyes are closed. And notice how opening your eyes may begin to immediately disconnect you from this feeling. Close your eyes again. Now reconnect with this feeling. And as you open your eyes, again, hold this feeling, set the intention to hold the feeling. Maintain your awareness on the feeling within your body right now instead of the world around you. So often when you open your eyes, your awareness begins to attune to the world around you. Connecting once again with thought, disconnecting from the body ... practice opening your eyes, closing your eyes, opening your eyes, closing your eyes, opening your eyes, closing your eyes. And with every time you open your eyes, hold onto this feeling. Allow your awareness to stay connected to this embodied feeling. Practice staying connected to this embodied feeling. 

And the more that you practice doing this, the more that you will be able to take it a step further. You'll next practice opening your eyes and standing. You'll next practice opening your eyes, standing and taking a step forward. And the more that you do this, the more easily you'll be able to move through your life and your world from this embodied center rather than the mind. Remember, my loves is the mind is a beautiful partner on this human journey. And the thoughts will always coexist. They will always be there. They, too, are your partner. However, you, my love, my dear friend, are the leader. Your soul is here to lead and guide you. 

And I feel and sense the sadness that you may feel having lived many years of this life journey from the mind, feeling that disconnection from your soul essence, the energy, the vitality that is you. Like being removed from a place you once called home. Like moving away from a friend, a lover, one whom you feel most yourself with. There, too, is that sense of loss, of disconnection when you spend your life living from the mind rather than the soul. But you're here now listening to this. We are meeting in this moment for a beautiful reason. 

And I believe it is this invitation I share with you as a reminder to not only remember who you truly are from the perspective of the mind, but I am inviting you to remember from within your embodied form to feel who you really are, to move, to live, to walk, to be, to create, to love, to act, to take action. Or in another way, to say, to move and live from the embodiment of who you really are. So if I may remind you of who you really are, my dear friend...

You are everything all at once. You are time and space and everything that exists within and beyond that. You are the stars and the moon. You are the ancient knowing and remembering that lives within and guides you forward. You are the rise and the fall of the sea. You are everything that has ever been and everything that will ever be. You are the beginning and the end. You are time itself interwoven on itself. You are the weaving of the grand vision of all that is. You are the noise and the quiet, the dark and the light. You are the day and the night. You are life itself. You are vibrating. You are multiplying. You are expanding. You are free. You are free. You are free. Everything within this life unfolding, everything about this dream, is unfolding to remind you of the truth that has always existed in inside you.



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