No. 15 - I’m feeling very lost lately, not happy/fulfilled, low energy (on all levels). How do I get out of this rut? 🔊

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Hello, my beautiful friends. I am going to be dropping in and opening connection with my spirit guides today to answer a question that one of you submitted. And this question, I felt such a tenderness when reading it because I think that it is such a very real part of the human journey. So to all of you who are feeling this right now, I see you. I acknowledge you. You are not alone there. The question is, "I'm feeling very lost lately, not happy or fulfilled, low energy on all levels. How do I get out of this rut?"

I can already feel Ahror ... feel her eagerness to connect. So let's drop in and see what she has to share with you my loves. And if this question feels like one that you deeply resonate with, I want to invite you as I am slowing down, closing my eyes and breathing to do the same, and to imagine opening your heart space so that you can attune to any of the words that flow through, that feel aligned and are meant for you. And from that open-heartedness, from that space of open-heartedness, releasing any messages or words that come through that are not meant for you or are not aligned. As always, trust your intuitive knowing. Alright, let's do this. 

"Hello, my beautiful friends. What a gift and honor it is to be here with all of you again. I have been so eager to connect and as always, it is the most divine experience to witness your life's unfolding and to be present in any moment of it, especially this one. So thank you for being here. Thank you for opening your hearts to receive what I have to share with you today. And more than anything, may you feel the sense of gratitude for yourself, for being here where you are. This journey you have embarked on in this human experience is one of great challenge, one of great immense joy and magic and beauty and one of great challenge. And these spaces and places you speak of or as you refer to them as a "rut", we see in this way like a river. We love to share this visual of a river as you may have seen one before from above in an airplane when you are far up above the earth and look down below reflecting on the earth that you live on. 

When you see a river from this vantage point and this perspective, it flows left and right and left and right, back and forth and back and forth over and over and over again. There is no river that simply flows straight, our loves, and yet they all make it to their destined destination. Rivers always find their way to the sea. And water, ahh your water has such wisdom. And maybe some of you have explored this before. Yes, we know this is a particular area of interest for Lauren at the moment, but your water on your planet holds such powerful wisdom. And one of its greatest teachings for you is how it flows with the path of least resistance. Water is powerful, water is cleansing, it is healing, and water is powerful. It can literally carve stone and yet water flows with the path of least resistance. 

Water will not force itself to flow in a specific way or through a certain path. And you see, much like the water, you, my love, have merely flowed a little to the left and you will without a doubt, with total certainty begin to flow back in the other direction soon. So know that where you are is not where you will always be, even though we know that in this time-space continuum when you are in a low vibrational state such as this, it can feel like you may be there forever. And yet we want to reassure you that you, my love, are destined to continue flowing this way and that. There's another message that often floats around in different conversational circles in your world about vibration. And higher vibrations are placed on a pedestal of sorts that you feel such a desire to attain that when you find yourself in a low vibrational state, so many often think they have done something wrong to find themselves here in this low vibrational state. 

And we want to assure you that that is quite far from the truth. You see, much like the expansion and contraction of the oceans on your planet or the expansion and contraction of the greater universe, expansion and contraction exists within you as well. It is a very natural and normal state of energy, particularly in the realm and the world that you chose to incarnate in. This human field and dimension shifts in energetic states from low vibration to high vibration are necessary for both the individual and collective healing. You see, you chose to incarnate here for the joy, for the wild magic, aliveness of being alive again. And you also chose to incarnate here for the healing and expansion that would be made possible. And it is only possible through expansion and contraction or through shifting of vibrational states from low vibration to high vibration. When you find yourself in a low vibrational state and you journey through that and shift into a high vibrational state, you, our love, have healed and alchemized energy in the most profound and beautiful of ways. 

So when you find yourself in this place that feels not so great, there are things you can consciously and intentionally do to help guide yourself through it with more ease. Because that is what you are doing. You are moving through it. You aren't stuck there. There is still movement, and yet you can help yourself move through it more intentionally.

The first thing you can do is to begin by slowing down and returning to your body, your physical form, your embodied awareness. Often in these states, when we connect with you humans, we find that your awareness of your energy is very disembodied. So begin by slowing down. You can do this now here, even as I guide you. Begin by deepening your breath, guiding your awareness back to your body. You can begin by scanning your body, really supporting your awareness and dropping more fully back into your body by starting at the top of the head or even in the heart space. 

So often we find that body scans when guided by others, you tend to begin at the top or the bottom of the body. And we find that it is most helpful to begin in the heart space, in the heart-center. So invite your awareness to connect with your heart space, and it can be even more helpful to take both of your hands and place them over your heart space and press down gently as you feel the weight and the pressure and the warmth of your hands on your heart using physical touch to direct your awareness and just breathe there, breathe into that space, feel your breath, expand your heart space, and then begin to allow your awareness to drop into your arms and your hands, feeling the weight of them, allowing your awareness to drop into your belly and your hips, feeling the weight of the center of your body, feeling the gravitational pull as you feel your body sink down, allow your awareness to flow into your legs and your feet. And once you feel deeply grounded in the lower half of your body, allow your awareness to drift upwards, becoming aware of your throat space, your head-space.

Physical movement .. the energetic practice of tapping that Lauren teaches .. those are also beautiful ways to guide you back into connection with your body. It is really important that you begin here because your body is your connection to the divine. So first, guide your awareness back to your body, whether through any of these methods or other methods or practices that feel deeply aligned for you. And once you feel more present, more out of your mind. We laugh because you humans, we hear so many people often referring to being "out of their mind" as a bad thing. And truly it is one of the most beautiful things. To be in your mind so often disconnects you from the real reality of this human experience and of your divine nature. 

So as you guide your awareness back more fully into your body and out of the mind, and you find yourself now out of your mind, then begin to expand your awareness back into the divine spaces and places. And this is important, our love, because true alchemy of energy involves a greater wholeness and awareness of the greater wholeness that has always existed. You see, alchemy as Lauren has described before, takes what was or what has been and creates something more whole, more true. And you see, although it seems as though the properties, the physical properties are changing through alchemy, and yes, this is true on your physical dimension, what is really changing is your awareness of it because you see, it was always whole. Your awareness, however, became disconnected, separate in a way, in such a way that it made it seem as though this thing or this part of you, whatever it may be, was not whole. 

You are merely shifting your awareness. This is the transmutation of alchemy. Quite incredible. It is your awareness expanding back into the truth of what has been and what has always been. So when you first return home to your body and you then begin to expand your awareness, you become more aware of the wholeness of you, of what is true of you. And as you do that, your vibration begins to rise. You begin to feel more energized. You begin to feel more alive, more truly, deeply alive, awakened to your world. More joy flows through your being. Your awareness begins to take note of and notice all of the goodness and beauty and abundance and magic that exists around you always.

So to expand your awareness, there are a multitude of practices that you can use to do this. Some of these Lauren teaches and you can use those practices yourself or you can truly use any practice if you have a meditative practice that expands your awareness beyond the mind and guides you back into connection with the divine, whether that is through the pathway of connecting with your spirit guides, like us, or connecting with your higher self or remembering the spaces and places that your souls call home. 

However you do this, as you guide your awareness back to the divine, you will find that your vibration begins to shift. And you see sometimes the mind and the body need this. The repetition of this to hold this as a daily practice or a practice that you do multiple times a day can be incredibly helpful and important for guiding the water that flows through the river that is your life back in the other direction. 

It is our greatest hope that you know and remember the divine being that you are. Remember who you are, our love, beyond this human form, beyond this lifetime. Close your eyes. Feel it, sense it, breathe it in. Know, remember that you, our love, are infinite. You are everything and everything is you all at once and it all matters.

We are so deeply honored to connect with you right now and always, which is also right now. We wish for you a softness and love and compassion for yourself as you continue to flow through this part of your journey. And we wish for you a gentle remembering of the truth of who you are as you feel yourself emerge from this part of your journey, much like the butterfly emerging from the cocoon. You too, our love, will spread your wings and fly, and it is with great joy that we will eagerly be watching. Feeling honored as always, to witness your great becoming. It is with love that we greet you and it is with love that we leave you.

xx Ahror and The Loom, with love


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