No. 5 - How can I be sure that my spiritual experiences and what I’m seeing are real? How can I know it’s not just my imagination or me making it up?

Mmm, my dear, you forget that you chose this mind and this body for a reason, for its incredible capabilities of imagination and thought and wonder. It’s for this very reason you are able to remember anything at all, or see anything at all, or understand anything, or put words and understanding to an experience. Feel that, would you? How can you be sure that what you smell is really what you smell and not the mind just imagining the scent? And how can you be sure that what you see is what you really see and not just the mind imagining what you’re seeing?
The only way you can be sure of any of it is through trust. You trust it. And I want you to feel what that does to your body. Yes, close your eyes and feel what it feels like to trust something that you deep down know to be true. It expands you. It leaves behind a sense of lightness. And ease. You can be sure that it’s real and it’s true because when you believe it, it makes you better and it makes your life better, too.
So, let us ask you this… when you open your eyes from your meditation and you choose to believe in the journey you went on and the spirit guides you heard and saw and the past lifetime that you remembered that felt as real as this one… does it make your life better or worse? Does it leave you feeling more empowered and expanded?

If yes, that is how you know that it is True … because the truth always sets you free.
And you have experienced the opposite of this. Think of all the times the mind writes stories about things that may or may not happen in the future that are not rooted in Truth, things about awful terrible scary things. They’re just the mind trying to protect itself. They’re not actually rooted in truth, though. Does it make your life better or worse? Does it leave you feeling more empowered and expanded? No, because only the truth sets you free.
That, our dear ones, is how you can be sure. It’s how you can know that it’s real and true. It will set you free.
And if we may offer our word for you - it’s true and it’s real. All of it has been. Your knowing and your experiences are more real than anything you see, feel, or experience through your physical senses. It’s the truest and realest of realities. :) And there is so much there that awaits you!

xx The Loom, with love


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