No. 2 - I can always see my guides in healing - how do I get their names?

Oh, our beautiful love, we are so thrilled to share with you more today.
What a gift it is to be in connection with the divine team that is leading, loving, and always believing in you. We first want to share that all of you, each of you, has a team of beings who are deeply committed to the unfolding of your life journey and the infinite support of you through it. They are always present, always loving, always guiding you from the unseen realms. And although the realms they meet you from aren’t visible to the human eye they are very much so visible to the eye of the soul, which is why and how you’re able to close your eyes, journey to the space and place your soul knows as home and greet your guides and see your guides with clarity.
And for those of you who have not yet had this experience, we are so thrilled to share with you that your divine team is ready and waiting and eagerly anticipating your meeting. You are here reading these words right now for a reason.
And for those of you who’ve already awakened this connection in your conscious awareness, oh beautiful friends, we hope you’ll continue to harness the power of this support. You truly have access to the unlimited, infinite support of an entire team of non-physical beings - it is your choice to ask for that support and dear ones, we hope you will, over and over again, day after day after day.

So, as you connect with your guides and find harmony and alignment with them on an energetic level you will come to know them visually, emotionally, energetically, and through all of your spiritual senses. To know anything, once you’ve made this connection, simply ask.
We are like eager children simply waiting to share with you every answer you could possibly ask - but we do not want to offer the answers or information before you are ready. And we trust that you know when you are most ready for it - so, simply ask.
Ask your guides: “What can I call you?” and let them gift you with their name.
We choose names that will hold meaning for you - sometimes they awaken a remembering of our past journeys together or of who you are or who we are, other times they reflect our purpose on your team, other times they point you in the direction of a knowing you were ready for, other times they are a clue guiding you forward.

Please know that when you ask a question, we always answer it. If the answer does not satiate your desire, please ask for more. Keep asking. We will keep answering. And if you cannot seem to hear or receive the answer, please know the answer is already there, flowing to you, all you must do is surrender, dear one. Clear the noise, relax, and allow your frequency to harmonize with ours until the answer finds you. It always will. Every time.
Okay, beautiful ones. That’s it for now. We so look forward to sharing with you again soon. We wish you expansion and wonder in this human dimension, dear ones, for that is why you’re here. It is in large part why you chose this ride, this grand adventure. May you delight in the journey that is your life. It is all for you.
Until next time,

xx The Loom, with love


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