Oh, our dear beautiful one, we wish you could see what we see and remember what you deeply know about your life journey and only then you would remember how this life of yours is actually one of the grandest adventures your soul desired to embark on. But perhaps through our words right now, we can help ignite that remembering within you. And through this we want to answer your question, our dear friend - because we hear you. We hear that there is a deep desire to embark on the spiritual path and yet there is a fear of the many tests you will face if and when you do…
Would you try something new with us…? We’ll call this “embodied reading”. So often you read from the mind, intellectually mulling over the words, making sense of them as your eyes pass over each one, searching for the meaning as one sentence runs into the next. You were taught how to do this in school as you were taught to read. And alas, that is part of what has led to you fearing these unseen tests, but more on that later…
We want you try something different as you read these words… As you read these words, we want to invite you to soften your eyes, still keeping them open, but allowing your focus to zero in on the words as your eyes grow heavy. You may feel some emotion rise and spill over through tears as you do this. Beautiful, now soften and relax your jaw. Feel your lips part as your jaw loosens and relaxes. And pull your shoulders up and now drop them down, feeling the softening as they relax and the tension around your neck and shoulders dissipates. And feel your entire body sink in the chair or ground beneath you. Feel that weighted heaviness in your body as you fully relax. That, our loves, is the feeling of releasing tension. When you’re no longer trying to hold it all in your body can full relax and soften. Keep your eyes soft, dear one, as you read and receive these words, imagine receiving them with your heart… we are activating a remembering within you, remember? The mind is not needed. Just the depth of knowing within you awakening…
Remember, would you, that feeling when you took your first breath? You may have looked so tiny and new and fragile to this great, big, wide world and yet, our loves, you were still an infinite soul, even there, in that moment.. an infinite soul breathing in the breath of this planet for the first time in this body. Remember that moment. Remember the feeling of profound adventure and uncertainty and excitement and delight that coursed through your veins. It may only have lasted a moment before other sensations overtook your senses. But slow down and go back to that moment. Breatheeee deeply here as you remember. Although the conscious mind forgets, the depth of your knowing remembers that moment. As you took your first breath and looked around, in that momentary glimpse you remembered that grand adventure that you embarked on. The divine weaving of this life journey you were setting into motion.
As you recall that feeling in your body it feels both like groundedness and infinite expansion. Like being rooted to the earth and floating freely through the cosmos at the same time. Like safety and certainty and adventure and unknowing all at once. Your body begins to tingle. Your heart opens. Your breathing slows. And you remember…
There is no choosing a spiritual path in this life journey, our dear one. You’ve been on one since that first breath. There is merely an awakening to the spiritual nature of yourself and your life that you are remembering. You are remembering… You are remembering… You are remembering… that this life journey is already a spiritual unfolding. That you are a divine being. And that you are here to experience the grandest healing and awakening yet. And, oh our beautiful friend, we want to set you free of the fear of the tests that await you. There are no tests. You cannot possibly get it wrong. There is no chance of your failure. Because there are no tests. Merely adventures… and much like adventuring through the mountains, there are a miriad of trails and paths you can choose to take, all and each of them right and perfect. And there are infinite lessons and learnings and opportunities to heal and grow and expand, all and each of them right and perfect.
The truth is, you’re already on a spiritual path. You have been since that first breath. And there will undoubtedly be experiences in this life journey that feel challenging or uncomfortable. But, our dear one, they will feel that way regardless of whether you consciously awaken to the spiritual nature of this life. We find that for many of you awakening to the spiritual reality of this dimension actually helps you move through those parts of the journey that feel challenging or more uncomfortable with more ease. And perhaps these challenging points of your path are what you are calling “tests” but, oh, our dearest love, they are not tests. Quite the contrary. They are doorways and portals to your greatest freedom. As you open them and step through you’re going to feel more and more free. And remember, our love, you cannot get it wrong. You can only get it right. We would invite you to try replacing the word “test” with “experience” or “adventure” and notice how that changes how you feel.
Try this: “does being spiritual mean I will always have experiences so I can grow?”
Or this: “does being spiritual mean I will always have adventures so I can grow?”
And please notice how that feels in your body. Does it awaken an eagerness, a playfulness, and a delight? Oh, we hope so. And now we want to invite you to try replacing the word “spiritual” with “alive” as we’ve already established that by being alive you are on a spiritual journey…
Try this: “does being alive mean I will always have experiences so I can grow?”
Or this: “does being alive mean I will always have adventures so I can grow?”
And to that, we would say a resounding YES, YES, YES. After all, our dear, that is why you chose this grand adventure in the first place. From the very first breath. And until the last.
And may we remind you, you are never alone in the adventure. There is a divine team of beings here from non-physical loving, guiding, and supporting you. We are your team.
From the first adventure until the last,
xx The Loom, with love
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