No. 6 - What is the meaning of life?

Oh, my love, I’ve been awaiting the chance to sit down with you and share this… it’s one of my greatest delights to watch you awaken to your remembering of it all and we feel that happening within you right now as you lean into the curiosity of this question. And we would want to remind you that your knowing of this answer already lives within you. I will tell you nothing you have not known before and for always. So, rather than listening to the mind’s thoughts about the answer I share with you, I want to invite and encourage you to instead feeeel your body’s response and reaction. Feel what happens within your heart-space as you remember the purpose to all of this. And a better word than “purpose” would be your DESIRE. For it was your desire that led you here at all. Your desire brought you into this experience. It created this experience. It is still continuing to create this experience.
That, my loves, is truly how powerful your desires really are.
So, when you doubt your desires, whether they are possible, or whether you are worthy, or whether you are capable, may we encourage you to remember that your desire literally created the world you now exist within. It is all possible. You are more than capable. You are inherently worthy.
Okay, now, this life… what is the meaning? We first want you to remember what this life is that you are experiencing. And in order to remember what this life is you must remember WHO you are that is experiencing it.

You, my dearest loves, are pure, infinite essence.. energy.. consciousness. Wrapped inside of this beautiful physical vessel. But before you were here, you were pure energy, infinite thought, divine, expanded knowing.
It is from that expansive spaciousness, that Lauren and others often refer to as “the void”, that you created this life. This world. This planet. And all of the people surrounding you.
Lauren once had a dream where she was walking through a very busy airport, surrounded by hundreds of other people moving through the airport, and as she looked at each of their faces, they were all her face staring back at her. Sometimes when she walks through airports now she smiles when passing people and looks at their face, as different as they may look from her own, and thinks silently “oh hey, me.” :)
You created all of this, my love. And please remember that YOU are all of us. You are everything. Think of a pyramid, our love, and the tiny point at the top represents the you in this lifetime. The next larger slice of the pyramid, growing a little wider, represents your entire Soul. The next larger slice of the pyramid, growing even wider, represents your entire soul family. And as you move further and further out from the point of the pyramid, you are now everyone and everything and every thought and every atom of energy - you are all of it.

So, now that you understand who YOU really are, our love, let’s talk about the meaning of this life that you have created for yourself.
There are many many meanings you can make of this life and your journey through it. And so often your soul does choose intents and purposes to guide you through this life - those are the energy of your desires that guide and summon you forward, like the river of life. The purpose you chose before incarnating into this physical form is the energy that moves you forward in life. While those bring meaning to your life journey, those are not the capital “M” Meaning of life.
The Meaning of life is simply to surrender to it, to become one with it, to let go, release, and allow yourself to be one with the ride. When you do this, you actually awaken to it. You remember that you are both the LIVER of this life and also the CREATOR of it. And, my loves, oh, wow, the power of delight and joy that begins coursing through you when you remember this. It’s awemazing to witness from our perspective and vantage point. That is the thrill that soo many of you chose to come back into this experience for. The thrill of remembering and living a life fully awakened to it. But to fully awaken to it, you must fully surrender to it. You must release the resistance to the unfolding and what is.

We think very much of your dream state and lucid dreaming. When you realize that the dream is not controlling you but that instead you can awaken to the dream and control it. And while we don’t like the vibration that the word “control” elicits in many human brains, the meaning of it is quite accurate there. Perhaps we could instead say that when you realize the dream is not controlling you then you awaken to it and begin to move through it consciously CREATING it. Ah, yes, that’s the word, our love - CREATE rather than control. And do you feel the difference in the vibration that that word elicits within your mind and your body.
So, the meaning isn’t happiness or completing some unfulfilled purpose or to get to some end goal or to even help others. Though all of these things may very much be connected to the intents and purposes your soul chose and they may each bring much meaning to your life, they are not the meaning, our love.
To find the Meaning, which exists beyond the mind, you must surrender and allow yourself to awaken to the REALness of this reality. And oh, we are already so eager and delighted to witness this unfolding for you. We are like kids in a theatre holding our popcorn with eagerness and smiles on our faces, anticipating the joy of watching this unfolding.

And in case it ever feels scary or you feel overwhelmed or uncertain, we are always here. Guiding you. Loving you. Witnessing you. Seeing you. It is our greatest honor, our loves.
Be well. and Believe.

xx The Loom, with love


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