No. 7 - If it’s not intuition saying “no” then what is that sick feeling? And should we pay attention to it?

First of all, our dearest friends, we are so honored to be here writing with you again. It is always such a gift to connect with you at this precise point on your journeys… of finding yourselves and uncovering the magic within you. And we would be honored to answer this question. In fact, it feels like one of the most important ones we’ve received in quite some time. To know yourself is to understand yourself more deeply and to understand yourself more deeply, well, my loves, it sets you free. So, we are hoping that our answer and what we share with you today will help set you free. May you feel more free to trust yourself, more free to know yourself, and more free to move through this life with a clarity that brings you peace and ease.
So, what is that sickening feeling you ask?
That feeling that rises up from the pit of your stomach and begins expanding out through your body, making your body feel weak and your arms feel heavy and tingly, as your shoulders curl inward and your head tilts down… you feel sick and you feel frozen, almost like you can’t move. Or that you want to run. You are frozen but you want to run, as your stomach is turning inside out like a dish wrap being tied in knots. And perhaps like Lauren in that moment, you felt the tears rising, that powerful urge to cry and shake out of frustration and confusion and the wildly unsettling feeling of not knowing what to do.

Beautiful friends, perhaps reading those words has reactivated that memory within your body right now. Ah, beautiful, so simply take a deep breath here, right now. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Keep breathing. Until you feel your whole system begin to settle and calm. Until your breath steadies. And your heart rate slows. Until you feel that calm sense of peace begin to bloom from the inside out. As we remind you - this feeling is not an intuitive knowing. It is simply a memory. That is it. That is all. And that is why you were able to feel it so viscerally right now as we described it… because your body has felt it before. It remembers.
Memories, our dear ones, are often activated to be teachers. Much like turning on a light so that you may see a room more clearly, a memory is activated to shed light on a situation. Now, now, dear one, that light is not illuminating your intuitive knowing. It is illuminating what has been hidden in the dark. The light IS your intuitive knowing. And remember, your intuition will always guide you through it, so that you may see things more clearly. Intuition will guide you through the fear, the doubt, the shame, the confusion … right directly through it. Because that is the only way, the fastest way.

So, the memory activates your body and the light turns on so that you can see more clearly what has been hidden in the dark. And often, for most of you, there in the dark you will find the pain of the past… what you may call trauma, limiting beliefs, fears, insecurities, unhealed wounds. The pain of the past isn’t your indicator of whether or not a choice is the right choice, dear one. You simply cannot make a choice in the present from the past. It’s impossible. If you’re making a choice based on memory and fear that’s activated within your body, you are making a choice in the past. Not the present. Making a choice from the present, whether it is a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ will feel like total peace and ease in your body… completely free of past fears and traumas and pain.
So, the short answer (though we prefer the long answer and find it to be much more helpful) is that the sickening feeling you asked about is a memory from the past arising in your body in the present so that you may heal it. And if we were to define “heal” we would say “to be made whole”. This memory of pain from the past that led to a fracturing within yourself at some point is now ready to be made whole again, our dear one.

So, yes, yes, a resounding yesss - we would very much encourage you to pay close, close attention to it. For it is one of your greatest teachers and it is here to set you free, our dear one. And we know that so often you want to run from it, to hide from it, to escape it. Because it is very uncomfortable. But oh, my loves, if you would only lean in… lean in, lean in, lean in… you would see how quickly you’d move through it and how easily you would access your freedom. And from there, well, your intuitive knowing will be the only thing you feel and know with the certainty of a thousand lifetimes. And that knowing will feel like peace and ease and expansion in your body. An intuitive ‘yes’ expands you and leaves you feeling totally and completely at peace in your body. And so does an intuitive ‘no’. Everything else is but a memory…*
We hope you will continue to ask questions and share your beautiful thoughts and curiosities with us. It is the greatest gift and adventure to share in conversation with you, dear ones. Until next time…

xx The Loom, with love


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