No. 1 - How can you let life be easy?

Oh, dear beautiful one, I first want to acknowledge you. To say - I see you. I see the life journey you’ve been on and the depth of hardships and challenges you have flowed through. And yet through it all your light continues to illuminate the darkest of places within you. Breathe into those empty spaces and feel the life force that still lives there. Do you feel that, dear one?! Oh, you are are still alive… wildly alive. And here for a reason.

So, let us now answer your question for it is an important one. Your question holds the key to your freedom and we want you to notice here before we answer that the answer already lives within you. Even when the mind cannot quite find the words to speak it out loud, you feel it within you, swirling among the ancient stardust woven within your bones. Our answer is merely a reflection of what you already know to be true. So, allow it to simply guide you home to yourself, to your own deepest knowing and truths of this life journey you’ve chosen to be on, dear one.

You simply stop fighting against it, our love. That is it. That is how. You stop resisting the flow of the river of life. Life is inherently easy when you’re no longer fighting against it. Can you feel that? It’s your pushing and pulling and resisting the flow of your life river that makes it so hard. The answer is simple yet the journey to get there often feels difficult. To stop fighting against life is to stop trying to control it and to stop trying to control it often goes against everything your beautiful mind has learned from birth. And yet, we want you to know it gets to be easy. It is meant to be easy, because it is. What makes it hard is fighting it.

Imagine this… there is a river and you’re in the most wonderful float (a giant unicorn according to Lauren’s desires) floating down this river. This river is wise and knows exactly where to guide you, how fast or slow to flow, and what awaits you along the journey. And it is with total certainty that you are infinitely and always safe on this river. You cannot be harmed on this river, physically, mentally, or emotionally. There are very gentle peaceful parts of this river where the water flows gently and slowly and other parts that are filled with wild rapids going this way and that and moving at very high speeds, with rocks and boulders throughout.

Imagine what it would feel like to trust with certainty that you are always safe on this river. You would enjoy the peace of the slow, gentle parts and also the excitement of the wild, fast, rocky parts. You’d laugh and shriek in delight as your unicorn float spun around and around knowing that no matter how bumpy the river got, you were always safe. It’s easy… and fun.

Now, imagine instead that you’ve been told to be scared when it starts going too fast. Imagine somewhere along the journey someone spoke of the boulders and fast rapids that lie ahead of you and of all the horrible terrible awful things that could happen to you there. Hearing all of this you forget that you are infinitely and always safe on this river. Your body begins to tense. You begin to fear what’s ahead so much so that you’re not even able to enjoy the calm, gentle parts of the ride because your body is tied in knots of anxiety and fear. You see the fast rapids ahead of you and begin to kick and scream and fight against the flow. It’s no longer easy. It’s exhausting and frightening and depressing and anxiety-inducing.

This river is life, our love. And this journey is what your soul signed up for. You choose this wild adventure of life. And we can promise you with the deepest knowings of this universe that you truly are always and infinitely safe. And every time you feel your body tensing as you approach a frightening part of your journey, if you’ll simply relax, trust, and surrender to the flow it will happen with more ease that your mind can even imagine right now.

So, beautiful one, to let life be easy, stop fighting against it. Let go and surrender to the flow. The divine wisdom of life will carry you on the most beautiful and delightful of adventures if you’ll allow it to. And in the moments when it feels so hard to do that, we love you. We see you. We are always there. You are never alone. You are always surrounded.

xx The Loom, with love


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Letters from The Loom

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