Oh, our dearest loves, I have so missed connecting with you. And I feel such an openness as we drop in and explore this part of your life journey together. Because the chaos you experience, both within and outside of yourselves, is a sacred part of this life journey.
If this life you are living, and that your soul chose, were a giant tapestry, the chaos would bring so much color and beauty. And we know that it feels like anything but beauty for many of you as you navigate the chaos. And yet, there will come a day and time when your soul expands again and you remember … why you chose this life, this chaos, this journey, these people … and in that moment of remembering, our loves, you will smile. Because you will see with joy that all of these people who seem to be creating the chaos were some of your greatest teachers. They were the spark that ignited your fire. The wind that started the hurricane that will be your vortex.
Lauren had a dream once where she was walking through a very busy airport. And as she looked at all of the faces around her, she realized they were all her. Dozens and dozens of faces looking back at her that were all her own.
As many of you know, your dreams carry powerful lessons and insight for you. And this dream, in particular, was an important one for Lauren. The next time she found herself in an airport, she remembered it. And the faces that she was placing judgement on and feeling irritation towards suddenly she felt this softening in her heart. And she noticed herself start saying, “Hi there. Oh hey you. I love you.” to each of these faces. She felt the tears welling in her eyes as the judgement fell away and she felt a deep compassion and love for each of these humans, knowing they were all a reflection of herself. All a part of the same. Navigating their own life journeys, their own hurt and harm and shame.
You aren’t meant to fully understand why each person does what they do or why they do it. You’re here to have your own journey and experience. You’re separate in this life dream for a reason. The more experiences and perspectives each human has, the greater healing and expansion that’s possible on a collective human level. You’re teaching each other. You’re pushing their limits and they’re pushing yours to ignite the fire of your own awakenings.
Many of the ones who create chaos in your outer world that stirs the chaos in your inner-world won’t become the dearest of friends in your life. Even if they are your closest of family in this life. That was never your souls' intentions. But they will become some of your greatest teachers in this life … whether you realize it now or much, much later. Your greatest teachers in this life will often be the ones you stay the furthest away from … and the learning, our love, happens only when you slow down and get curious. “Why do I feel this hatred? … Why does my heart close with anger when I see them? … What are they teaching me? … What are they teaching me? … What are they teaching me?” Carry this question within you, our love, and allow them to expand your heart rather than close it. That is the true measure of your healing and growth. Are you allowing your life experiences to open your heart or close it? It’s easy to open your heart around those who believe what you believe and share in the same dreams you share. It’s much, much harder to do that when faced with the faces of and views of the ones who challenge your greatest views of this life.
Remember this, our beautiful ones … navigating chaos feels chaotic. The path to peace, both inner and outer peace, often feels nothing like peace on the way there. Deep breaths. You’re moving in the right direction. And you’re right where you’re meant to be right now. Can you trust that?
We love you and we smile every time we see you lean into the edges of discomfort. You’re not just setting the world free. You’re setting yourself free. And that was always the intention…
xx Ahror and The Loom, with love
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