No. 4 - How do our guides end up being our guides?

With the greatest of intention.
It is by no accident nor coincident that your guides find you and are chosen by you. Yes, our dear one, you choose your guides.
It’s sort of like playing a game of dodgeball.  We all line up when your soul is first born forth from the ethers. But there is no “I pick you or I pick you.”. It’s more of an energetic magnetism. We are magnetized to each other based on a frequency connection. The frequency of your soul calls to the frequency of your guides based on the assignments you’ve chosen and have been given. This is why your connection with your guides when you remember it awakens a remembering of who you really are.
You have guides who are chosen at the beginning of your soul’s existence that journey with you eternally. But as your frequency changes from one lifetime to the next and even throughout a single lifetime, you can magnetize other guides, as well. Guides who enter into your journey to support you in certain seasons of your souls journey or for specific reasons.

Think of your core soul team as your family of origin. It never changes. Your mom is always your mom. Your siblings always your siblings. Your core soul team guides are always your guides. But then throughout your life, different teachers come into your life to teach you specific skills or support you through certain periods of life. These guides come and go out of your life. But they are always chosen by your frequency … it is a magnetism that calls them in.
Remember - everything is energy, my love, and so this is how much of your life unfolds… a magnetism of your soul’s frequency. Calling in what you most need in that moment to continue opening.
Connecting with your guides will feel like meeting an old friend who looks familiar even though you can’t place their name right away. Yet you know them. Of course you do. You’ve known them since your existence first began, dear one.

You are never forgotten. Even when it feels like you are all alone, your guides are always there. They cannot leave your side. For that same magnetism that calls us into your life is the same magnetism that keeps us here. We are always here. We are always here. If we feel further away, it’s simply a matter of attuning your freqneucy. Shifting your energy. And in mere seconds we go from feeling like we are lightyears away to feeling like we’re right there beside of you. We are never far away. It’s not possible for us to ever be far from you. Please know how much we love and adore you and care about you. We are always here. Simply ask and we will make ourselves known. It is really that simple.

xx The Loom, with love


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