Oh, my dear beautiful friends. Hello, hello, hello. What a gift to be here beneath the star-lit sky with you.Would you believe that not every world has a sky filled with stars? I know it may be hard to believe or remember, though many of you have journeyed to these other worlds before. But I hope when you look up into the sky tonight and witness the magic of the stars all around you , you remember how precious and special it is to be surrounded by a cosmos as you are. It really is speaking to you, guiding you. The stars have a language all their own and it is guiding you.
Ahh, yes, now you have asked about self-acceptance and I am very honored to share more about this with you. I first want you to close your eyes for a moment and feel what self-acceptance feels like in your body. Where do you feel it? What does it feel like?
Did you feel that…? Like a doorway opening. Like releasing a breath you’d been holding. It’s a sense of relief and release… a letting go. When you experience radical acceptance, for anyone and anything, you release and let go of everything that was holding you back from this spacious place. And all you must do is breathe and let it go. Breathe and let it go.
Radical acceptance for anyone or anything is also radical acceptance of yourself. And radical acceptance for yourself is also radical acceptance for everyone and everything. How could it not be? Because, you, our dear one, ARE everyone and everything. You are them and they are you. The world you gaze upon is both outside of and within you. You are it and it is you.
Would you do something with us for a moment…?
Please, if you would, imagine something that you are very much in a place of non-acceptance of right now. Now, go back to moment when you felt this non-acceptance and as you call it to mind, close your eyes, and feel the immediate impact of that on your body and your energetic field. It feels like disconnection, like cutting a chord that connected you to the very breath you were breathing, did it not?
And so, my dear beautiful friends, I want you to know that radical acceptance is your modus operandi. It is your most natural way of being. Non-acceptance is a learned way of being and that creates resistance, in your bodies and your beings. When you push back against what is, you feel at odds with your soul. When you fight back against reality, you feel at odds with your soul. Even when that reality you’re pushing against is one of great sorrow and heartache… pushing against leaves you feeling disconnected from your deepest self.
We once shared about the river of life, a great metaphor that we would love to share with you again. Imagine floating down the most divinely wise river, knowing with utmost certainty that no matter what you do or do not do, this river will guide you to exactly where you are meant to go, with certainty. You trust that implicitly. And you know with the deepest of certainties that this river is infinitely safe for you, as well. You cannot drown, even when you fear that you may. You cannot go too fast, even when it feels like you are. You cannot and will not be harmed, even if the mind believes otherwise. You know this river to be utterly and completely safe. Close your eyes and imagine floating down this river on the most beautiful, comfortable raft. Do you feel that? Total peace. Complete ease. Total trust in the unfolding. Surrendered to the flow. That, my love, is radical acceptance.
Now, as you begin to float down this river of life (or, in your shoes, as you begin to grow up and move through this life journey as a young child) people from the shore begin to shout telling you to “watch out for the rapids ahead!”. They tell you “they’re dangerous” and “you could get hurt”. And you begin to learn to fear the river. You begin to fight against it. You start to resist the flow. And instead of allowing and surrendering and floating, you start to try to swim upstream, leaving yourself feeling utterly exhausted and overwhelmed and disconnected. You try to swim for the shore or control the waters. If you close your eyes, can you imagine what that feels like in your body? It feels like tension and tightness and pushing against a wall that doesn’t exist. It feels like fighting the flow.
So, to answer your question, our dear friend, we would say that acceptance of this life journey is, well, everything. It is how you will set yourself free from the fear you’ve been taught to feel about something that you truly never need to fear. Acceptance will guide you back into alignment with the path your soul is calling you towards. Acceptance isn’t something you must DO, though. Rather it’s something you will experience when you stop fighting against and resisting what is.
And we can promise you that this reality you are living will become so much more beautiful, and easeful and peaceful and magical when you stop fighting against it. But in the depth of your knowing, you already know this, don’t you? 🙂
Next time, ask us about the journey upstream and what happens when you try to go there... Oh, it’s a most illuminating story! Spoiler alert - trying to swim upstream is like trying to go backwards in your life journey… you’re trying to go back to where you’ve already been. But alas, that is impossible. Because you are here, where you are now, and it’s no longer possible to go back to where you were before now that you’ve learned all that you’ve learned and experienced all that you’ve experienced. So, trying to swim upstream feels like being caught in a vortex, a groundhog’s day almost, where the same story almost seems to repeat itself in your life, over and over again.
If you feel that, our love, if your life story and experiences and relationships seem like they’re happening to you over and over again, we want to encourage you to gently surrender, let your arms fall by your sides, relax your legs that have been fighting for dear life, and instead of fighting it, imagine lying on your back and floating, completely surrendered to the flow of your life. You will find that you start to move forward. You will find yourself among new landscape, people, and places. Life will start to look new. And you will start to feel more ease. That is how you know you are no longer trying to swim upstream. And just wait for the scenery to change… you’re going to find it so wildly beautiful, our dear one.
Until then, yours in the flow,
xx The Loom, with love
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