The Eclipse & Our Connection to the Cosmos

Dear intuition, can you teach me more about our connection with the cosmos on a grand level and also the impact or connection to specific events like today’s solar eclipse?

Of course, of course, of course, dear one. Oh, we are so thrilled to connect with you today and even more excited to share this teaching with you. This is something we’ve been both eager and excited (and ready!) for you to delve deeper into.

Ahh, so where to begin. The cosmos. It’s important to remember and understand that you are everything and everything is you. You are both the dreamer of the whole entire dream and the individual you experiencing the dream (much like what happens when you sleep and dream at night, yes? You feel as though you are just you, individual you in the dream, but you are also the dreamer of the whole dream, weaving and creating the set and characters with your own subconscious). The same is true of this universe. And we know it’s harder to understand because you are in the dream right now. So, we will explain in a far out, more expansive way so that you can understand.

Much like you are the creator of your own dream world, you, too, are the creator of the cosmos. On a collective conscious/soul level the cosmos was woven with divine intention. The way it moves and shifts and changes holds meaning. Much like every aspect of your dream world holds meaning, too.

Ahh, I’ve been dreaming of getting trapped in a tidal wave… but it’s not just a giant wave, it’s a metaphor, a message… it holds meaning. It represents the overwhelming stress I am feeling in my life right now. And in my dream when I go under the wave and realize there’s calm way deep down under there and I can actually breathe under water and find a sense of calm, peace, and safety, well, now my dream is teaching me… it is guiding me. It’s helping me move through this stressful season of my life and helping me learn on an unconscious level how to breathe and find that same sense of ease and peace and calm in the stressful wave of my waking world. Yes, yes, yes.

Much like this, the cosmos is teachingggg you. Yes, it’s reflecting back to you ancient wisdom that is woven in the stars and the planets and the many, many galaxies among you. Oh, my love, you could get lost in the storybook of the stars. It’s quite enchanting and incredible.

Your teacher once said “We spend one third of our lives sleeping. So by the age of 75 you’ll have spent 25 years of your life sleeping. The sleep world is such a rich space. Why would we ignore that? There is so much there for you!” And in much the same way we say… You’ll spend your entire life surrounded by the cosmos. You are merely a tiny dot in an explosion of wonder and wisdom that is the cosmos. Why would you ignore that?

There is so, so much wisdom and guidance there for you that you, long ago, placed there, among the stars. So that one day you would look up at the night sky and remember… the stories, the knowings, the truths, the wisdom that exists right there. And much like how you all connect the stars to form images and meaning, you have mapped them out to operate much like a map for your life. Think of them that way.

But if you’ve never read a map before or seen one, you may look at it and go “oh wow, what a beautiful picture” but have no idea that it actually is so much more than a pretty picture… it’s a guide. And you can use it to traverse the world. You can use the stars to traverse your life.

Ahhh! We are so so excited because we can sense your excitement about this!!! Isn’t it incredible!!

Okay, so now, you asked more specifically about the eclipse and it’s meaning or why it matters to your life journey. It holds meaning for you, just like every other cosmic event and shift. Think of it as a “scene” playing out in your dream state. And the “set” is the current state of your life: where you’re living, who you’re in relationship with, how you feel in your inner world, your financial well-being, your mental and emotional well-being, etc. That is the set and this eclipse is what is unfolding on that set.

So, while the “scene” may on the surface seem the same for everyone, it’s actually quite different and holds different meaning and impact for each of you because your set is all different. Your set is different from my set and my set is different from your set. So how the eclipse will impact me and the message and wisdom it holds for me may be different than what it holds for you. Orrrr, it could be the same. However, because my set looks very different from yours (I have a child and a partner and a grounded, rooted home life while you are single and traveling the world while chasing your career dreams) the impact of the message and what lands for me will be different than for you.

We want to slow down here to help you reallyyy take this in because we are not here to communicate the specific message of this eclipse to you, but instead to help you understand it’s significance to your life and to understand why it actually does matter … and whether you slow down to attune to it, you will feel the impact of it. Just like when you dream at night. Even when you rush out of your bed when your alarm goes off first thing without taking the time to slow down and reflect on the dream you just woke from, you still feel it’s impact… you think “wow, why did I wake up in such a bad mood?” and you just go on about your day. However, if you’d slowed down, in meditation, you would have remembered your dream and what it awakened in you on a deep, unconscious level that left you feeling so sad and afraid and you would have been able to work through that so that you could enter your day feeling far more empowered. Either way, whether you slow down and acknowledge it or speed away and forget it, it impacts you. The same is true of the eclipse.

We want to say, your soul laid out this event many many many years ago. And now, here you’ve arrived. So it would benefit you greatly to slow down and not only witness the magic of it but attune to the message of it.

If you're desiring to cultivate your own channeled journaling practice, I teach you how you can do that inside of my “Channeling Intuition” course. You can use code ECLIPSE to save $20 this week, plus I'm also including “Dear Intuition: A Year of Questions for Your Intuition" as a free bonus! 


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