The Magic of Tapping: Heal the Limiting Beliefs, Fears, & Doubts That are Holding You Back (self-paced course)

What would your life look like if the doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs no longer held you back from truly trusting your intuition and living the life you know your soul is here to live?


It’s time to release the doubt, fear, and beliefs that are holding you back so you can experience the peace and freedom of truly trusting yourself and your intuitive knowing.

This transformational course will teach you how to use the energetic magic of tapping to heal, grow, and awaken as you become the empowered alchemist of your life.

You can take the doubts, fears, beliefs, and programming that you’ve inherited from this life experience and use tapping to clear and release them while rewiring your subconscious and energetic field to operate from the most expansive truths of your soul, instead.

You may not have chosen the beliefs that you took on when you were younger, but you now get to choose the beliefs that guide you forward.

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16 Modules

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Modules for this product 16
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